For many reasons you may be thinking about getting pet insurance for your pooch. It is understandable; we don’t think twice about protecting our homes and possessions so it is easy to see that safeguarding our beloved family dogs makes a lot of sense.
Pet insurance comes in all shapes and sizes, some good and some bad. Research is essential! It is impossible to give a brief and accurate summary of what’s available because there is a lot of choice. There are good prices, a low end figure would be £70 for a one year policy. Always check the small print and understand what your dog is covered for.
Prices generally don’t differ depending on breed or cross breed. There may be variation in policies covering occupational dogs like show dogs and breeding stick so of course make sure you are covered in all the necessary places!
This is not an attempt at a comprehensive insight to dog insurance. Rather it is to advise on the benefit of research. If something did happen to your dog it is reassuring to know you could give your dog the best chance of a successful recovery.
If you are choosing a dog, think carefully about what dog insurance would be best for you!