Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Dog Personality Types

It is well known that dog breeds have their own unique characteristics. It is likely that dogs of the same breed will have similar aspects to their nature. Retrievers can generally be relied upon to be friendly, sociable dogs. Jack Russells will certainly have lively moments

Dog breed characteristics are helpful when choosing a dog breed. However they do not tell us what a puppy will be like when it grows up.

All dogs have a personality that is unique to them. Even though all Jack Russells have similarities, they will also have their own unique personalities.

Ask anyone who has had more than one of a breed of dog and they’ll probably tell you that the dogs had very different personalities.

There are several theories on the personality types of dogs. It has been suggested that dogs share all human personality dimensions except for conscientiousness. Puppy personalities have been broken down into six personality types:

  • Responsive
  • High Energy
  • Strong-willed
  • Shy and Insecure
  • Calm and Easy Going
  • Aggressive

Whatever personality type your puppy displays, extreme behaviours can be moderated through effective training.

It is not possible to fully know the personality type of your dog until it has grown up a little. Or, if you are getting an older dog, you may already have some insight on this from its previous owner or the rescue home.

It is essential to consider the characteristics of your dog’s breed when choosing a dog breed. Just remember, dogs are not all cast from the same mould and are all very different, even when they look very similar!

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